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Pat Sajak is my new hero
Author: Ryan
I found this story linked over at Drudgereport. It's written by a man internationally famous for letting you spin the wheel, and buy a vowel. Mr. Pat Sajak. He's one of my new heroes. He writes an article for his own website, PatSajak.com about celebrity endorsements, especially for politicians.
Pat says:
Putting those obvious benefits aside, the question remains: do these endorsements really translate into votes? Does anyone decide which candidate to choose based on the recommendation of a TV talk show host or a singer/actress? If any group of citizens is uniquely unqualified to tell someone else how to vote, it’s those of us who live in the sheltered, privileged arena of celebrityhood. It’s one thing to buy an ab machine because Chuck Norris recommends it (he’s in good shape, isn’t he?) or a grill because George Foreman’s name is on it (he’s a great guy, so it must be a great grill!), but the idea of choosing the Leader of the Free World based on the advice of someone who lives in the cloistered world of stardom seems a bit loony to me.
Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel. I'd like to buy an O. And I'd like to solve the puzzle, OIC what you did there. I agree with ya Pat, and in the words of one of my favorite rappers, John Reuben, from Follow Your Leader:
" On a pedestal you hear them ranting and raving
Proudly proclaiming what they know nothing about
I hear you talking loud but I will not allow
Tinsel Town to show me how to run my life
Sure you can sing and dance
But that don’t mean that you’re qualified to give America advice."
Who cares if Oprah, Kanye, Barbara Streisand, Tom Cruise, Jon Kitna, Sean Hannity, or any other over privileged celebrity with more publicity and opinions than common sense support any candidate? Shouldn't you vote who best represents you not the celebrity?
Pat continues:
I suppose anything that gets people engaged in the political process is a good thing, but the idea that a gold record, a top-ten TV show or an Oscar translates into some sort of political wisdom doesn’t make much sense to me. Trust me, one’s view of the world isn’t any clearer from the back seat of a limo.
Sadly enough, these people don't get engaged in the political process. A few celebrity worshippers show up on poll day to vote for their celebrity endorsed candidate. Even fewer Tinsel Town haters show up to vote for the candidates not endorsed by Hollywood. That's not engaging in the process. That's essentially selling your vote to the loudest celebrity endorsement.
Way to go Pat. Hopefully this gets picked up nationally.
Excellent points all around whether your name is Pat, John or Ryan.
Oh, and thanks alot for giving me one more reason to procrastinate @ work. :P
I guess you'll have to start a blog to return the favor Jonathan.